Saturday, January 8, 2011

Networking Etiquette's, rather how to maintain decorum on social media sites!

It horrifies me to see young blood being so callous about how they come across on these sites.
They are well educated, in good jobs, yet they misbehave.Are they doing the same in the real world?
The online world is not unreal just a parallel world, this is how I look at it.
Why do people become over - friendly from the word go, are they so desperate for friendship or do they think it is cool to behave like that.
I think it is most UNCOOL.

I would like to know how many of you still address letters starting with DEAR.
If we are smart enough to learn the lols etc aren’t we smart enough to know DEAR is no longer ok and it is best kept dear.
Poor Dear it is another misused word like the sorry and the thank you. I feel sorry for the word :)

The funny thing is sometimes I have taken the liberty of guiding few people about leaving the word DEAR out of the conversation, next thing I know they take offense, no amount of explaining that dear it is for your good, get a grip, understand that you are dear that is the only reason I am bothering to explain, but alas….we do not see it like that, all we see is that this woman is a pompous oaf and what does she know….I agree not to know too much, but I have definitely learned that DEAR better be dear, and best left alone, it is like the word Uncle, when we were growing up, our dad taught us to call everyone UNCLE…How terrible :)

I remember going to meet a lawyer very early in life. The lawyer was a bit balding and the entire 30 minutes I was there, I kept calling him Uncle. I remember coming home and my brother took off on me. It seems the guy was my age and he had called and complained. That day was enough. I told myself whatever happens nobody is ever going to be called UNCLE…HaHa.

The point is we all have FB profiles and FB being available on mobile phones very soon all domestic help will also have a profile, so if the educated lot do not know how to behave, how will these guys know?

Can somebody start classes in Social Media Etiquette…is anybody listening, half the time I stay away from chat because this is how it goes….:) Hello Dear….What’s Up….Who all in your family…Where do you live…Are you married…Do you have children…etc…etc, Hello get a life, read about the person before you start chatting, firstly Gmail or FB chat have been created as a follow up/work chat/long distance chats with near and dear ones, friends who maybe your neighbors but not in front of you, I think you get the picture ...….and not to just chat up complete strangers….nothing wrong with that too but do it with some style, some élan.

I know the movie Social Network clearly spells out that the guy added relationship status and every other box so that if you met someone you liked then you could read up about them and now as the trend has reversed we see someone on Fb, like them, and then go about meeting them one to one or chatting them up…...but isn’t it important to read up about the person?????

I also find that on many profiles the info section remains blank. They are probably too busy…...HUH! Why for God's sake are you on networking/social media sites.

You add me as a friend and your page is blank or you have a photo of a movie star:(

Hello people, to say Hello even in this parallel world I do want to know some basic stuff and why should I need to ask you. It should be right there for me to read isn’t that the idea?

Starting 2011 with venting out my frustrations about the beautiful online world where I have met some wonderful people. I have been networking since 2004 and made some fantastic friends and done some good business too and would truly appreciate if the 20’s and 30’s and sometimes the 40’s and 50’s too didn’t think it is the local pub or everyone they say helloooo to is their bum chum :)

Bye for now…...more later :)will be back....soon,very soon.

Mamta Mamta

Networking Etiquette – by Aviva Shiff
How to Make Your Social Networking Stand Out
• By: Kyle Lacy on July 1st, 2010 at 5:30 am