Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Face Book - Status
Sanjukta a commentator gav a grt suggestion on my blog. we shud hav an 'appreciate public officials day.
Charukesi Ramadurai
- - thousands gathered in South Bombay - TV calls it Gateway of Anger. What will come out of it all?
Charukesi - recommended reading - Hotel Taj: icon of whose India?
Sowmya Raoh wants all to know is working fine again.. Those of you who haven't yet signed, do it NOW..
Jiten Gajaria just met a constable injured last week in terror attacks and heard some eye-opening stuff.Be the change you want to see.

Vinod Kumar Chand is updating his blog with thoughts on Bombay Terror Attacks.
Anaggh Desai asks Why does BBC refer to perpetrators of Mumbai Carnage as "Militants" whilst for London, Madrid & 9/11 they call them Terrorists?
Gautam Ghosh 's blog is quoted in the HT city today.
Mahesh Murthy is hoping people will help by adding to their status.
Ashok Jagasia is pleading ... Citizens of India please improve ... visit
Tagore Almeida
Parul Chand wants every politician to spend the next five years in the army, maybe then just maybe they would understand the term -country first.
Ashraf 'Sheikh A Tribute to the Innocent Lives lost in the Senseless Killing in Mumbai-
Aabha Khanolkar Singh wants to know whether we can all as citizens be made to go through compulsory army/combat training?
Nomita Roy has had enough of the senseless blame game our country' s daft politicians play. we need a change and NOW! Safety for our children is what we need.
Aarti Uppal Singla salutes the Indian Police, and the Armed Forces for keeping us safe while our politicians are trying to get us killed.
Anuradha Pathak is numb and keeps watching the game of media and the sells motherland for TRPs and another for votes.
Sachit Rai Nandwani is shocked at the ignorance of people to the attacks in Mumbai. They didnt belong to any religion, they had 1 thing in mind and that was complete annihilation.
Shaan Chaudhri thinks politicians and diapers should be changed often, for the same reason!
Vamsi Vanka asks everyone to read this :

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